Daylesford Organic Reserve Port 750ml
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Notify Me When AvailableIndulge in Daylesford's Organic Reserve Port, a rich and luxurious dessert wine that captures the essence of ripe blackberries, blackcurrants, cherries, and plums. With subtle hints of spice from four years of slow ageing in wooden barrels, this port is the ideal after-dinner drink. It pairs wonderfully with piquant Bledington Blue cheese, jammy figs, or a selection of dark chocolate, making it a decadent choice for any special occasion.
- Organic reserve port aged for four years
- Aromatic notes of blackberries, cherries, and plums
- Complements cheese boards and chocolate desserts
- Made in Gloucestershire at Daylesford's organic farm
Indulge in Daylesford's Organic Reserve Port, a rich and luxurious dessert wine that captures the essence of ripe blackberries, blackcurrants, cherries, and plums. With subtle hints of spice from four years of slow ageing in wooden barrels, this port is the ideal after-dinner drink. It pairs wonderfully with piquant Bledington Blue cheese, jammy figs, or a selection of dark chocolate, making it a decadent choice for any special occasion.
- Organic reserve port aged for four years
- Aromatic notes of blackberries, cherries, and plums
- Complements cheese boards and chocolate desserts
- Made in Gloucestershire at Daylesford's organic farm